Women Issues - Top 10 Leading Causes of Female Deaths

top killer of women is heart disease, which claimed nearly 489 000 deaths each year. Heart disease kills more women each year than all cancers combined. Due to the common misconception that heart disease primarily affects only men, only 13% of women are aware that this disease is a major threat to their lives. However, heart disease is still a preventable disease. Women can reduce the risk of heart attack, so that the following lifestyle changes:

First, quit or avoid smoking and passive smoking. Limit or eliminate alcohol intake. Regular cardiovascular exercise stimulates blood circulation and maintain a healthy weight. These steps significantly reduce the stress on your arteries and heart. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and / or high cholesterol, you should consult with your doctor to be the best ways to make these other risk factors under control.

cancers, particularly lung cancer and breast cancer kills 73,000 women each year. 90% of them, who developed lung cancer as cigarette smokers. According to the American Cancer Association, breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women. Breast tumors diagnosed in nearly 211,000 women each year with almost 20% morality rates. To reduce the risk of developing cancer, lead a healthy lifestyle and meet your doctor regularly take preventive screenings. Cancer, if detected in its early stages, it can save lives.

third cause of death for women's stroke. Every year in the United States, nearly 164 000 people die from stroke, and 100,000 of these deaths are women. Factors that increase the chances that the moves have uncontrolled blood pressure and smoking. Move not only to cause death, but often leave a person permanently disabled. Although the risk of stroke depends on your family medical history and genetics, can prevent a stroke such as heart disease.

fourth killers are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) including emphysema, asthma and lung cancer. These diseases are responsible for almost 65 000 deaths in women each year. Smoking is the leading cause of lung disease. COPD are highly preventable. To reduce your risk of developing this disease, stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.

is the fifth Alzheimer's disease, which affects the brain and starts with simple forgetfulness. As one progresses further, completely erases the memory of suffering. This disease kills almost 42 000 women each year. Get regular screenings for it from your doctor.

following an illness that threatens many men and women alike diabetes. About 18 million people are diagnosed with diabetes last year and nearly 37 000 women died from complications of the disease. However, so many people do not know they have diabetes until it becomes very difficult. This late phase is characterized by blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage, and increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Diabetes is, however, is still prevented by following a controlled diet, regular exercise and perform regular testing of blood sugar.

seventh leading cause of death in women in America is a disaster, claiming more lives each year. While this is not a disease to cure, it's still a preventable cause of death. Women can safely keep paying more attention when performing dangerous work and careful driving on the road.

influenza and pneumonia combined are the eighth leading cause of death of women each godine.Rizik of contracting this disease can be limited by maintaining good hygiene and taking the flu shot every year.

ten top causes of death for women is cancer of the colon, which is the third leading cause of cancer death in women.

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